Wade E. Saadi – I bring considerable financial, management and real estate experience to the APS board, at a critical time for the Society; the completion of the American Philatelic Center.

  • 1973 – Present, Pencom Systems Incorporated. Founder, President and CEO of this computer services/software/executive search company. Through teamwork and leadership, matured the company into a 600-employee conglomerate, with offices in nine states and Canada. Spun off a Pencom division and led it to public offering as a NASDAQ listed stock; served as Chairman of Board and CEO. Very familiar with corporate finance and governance.

  • Entrepreneur of the Year Award®, 1996 in NYC. Ernst & Young annual award for technology.

  • 1984 – Present, Over 20 years experience as a licensed real estate professional. Syndicated several real estate investments; managed several full and partial building rehabilitations; own and operate a management company and a full service real estate office with over 15 salespeople and employees.

Steven J. Rod – I bring intensive and successful not-for-profit management experience. I have overseen new construction as a CEO and am eager to see the completion of the American Philatelic Center.

  • 1980 – 1988, CEO of two not-for-profit organizations.

  • 1988 – Present, Vice-President of Professional Development Services, the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America. I consult with and train 3,000 professional employees of 250 not-for-profits on personnel matters, as well as governance and management. Have been recognized for my expertise in this area, and continue to develop and oversee these training programs throughout the year.

  • Member of the American Society of Training Directors (ASTD) and am involved in training others on ”how to be an effective trainer.” I earned my Bachelor’s Degree from Nasson College and my Master’s Degree for the School of Social Work at Yeshiva University.

David L. Straight – The American Philatelic Research Library is one of our greatest member assets; I bring widespread experience managing libraries and modernizing their services.

  • 1978 – Present, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. 1980-1993 managed library’s audio-visual and micrographic collections; established the University video collection; and computerized finding aids to microform collections. 1993-present, librarian for the 750,000-volume off-site storage facility. Developed efficient storage and retrieval procedures and built extensive web-based finding aids for government documents. Currently leading a cooperative project to digitize unique 19th century maps.

  • Masters of Library and Information Science; have taught in the University of Missouri School of Library and Information Science.

  • Consultant to libraries, shelving manufacturers, and moving companies on issues related to storage, retrieval, and moving of library materials.